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How Urban Travel Is Managed

fold down bollards

As we know, cities are growing. With this growth, the demand for urban travel is increasing. Cities are known for their fast-paced lifestyles, and it is all due to transportation. You must have noticed those city roads are busy whether it is day or night. It is like a whole crowd lives on the road. But have you ever thought about how this traffic is managed or how travel is possible?

Here are a few ways through which urban travel is managed.

Constructing Flyovers

A flyover is a better option for cities that have too much traffic but lack the land to expand the road. It not just reduces traffic congestion but also saves time and fuel.

In the studies, it is found that when there is an option for the flyover, 35% of traffic is diverted to the flyover.

Also, adding fold down bollards sideways has increased the safety measures in emergencies.

That is the reason every developed economy has a large number of flyovers.

Monorails And Metros

The Metro rail systems are best in terms of energy consumption, greater traffic capacity, frequency, and large stoppages. Monorail facilitates more quick, easy, and fast mobility and improves the quality of life for its users.

It is one of the more efficient alternatives to roadways.

It is one of the huge funded projects majorly initiated by the government. That requires lots of planning, designing, developing, building infrastructure, and executing. It reduces the journey time by 50% to 75%.

Preference For Public Transportation And Taxis

These days, people are shifting from owning a car to using public transport and taxis for traveling. It provides an affordable as well as a comfortable ride. The bus system was there for many years, and it is in demand today as well. But there is a new trend from the last couple of years that is cabs. Unlike public transport, taxis provide door-to-door service, and it is available in most cities.

Public transport and taxis are the backbones of any economy; they help the city to move.

Controlling Over-Speeding

Every year many people just die because of overspeeding. These careless drivers either killed themselves or others. Reasons for over-speeding occur include drinking and driving, running late, races, etc.

To reduce over-speeding, traffic police are always alert, as well as speed recording cameras are being placed at every traffic signal.

New Parking Solution

Day by day, the number of cars on the road is increasing, and people are facing problems with parking.

whether at their place or in a restaurant or mall.

In such cases, IoT offers smart parking solutions, as when you arrive at a parking lot, a sensor detects your vehicle and displays the available spaces.

Using Bollards

While walking down the road, you must have noticed the big heavy cylindrical bollards which separate the road from the footpath. It provides safety to pedestrians or cyclists and the traffic on the road. Bollards also help in dealing with heavy foot traffic.

There are many types of bollards some are fixed and some are not, some of them are small and others are not, all are serving different purposes.

Like, fold-down bollards, which can help you to preserve your parking area. The locking system in it doesn’t let any vehicle enter your area.


Transportation is a major part of urbanization. A good transport system helps the country develop by providing better employment opportunities, trades, tourism etc.
This is the reason why transportation is called the lifeline of the nation.

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